Whether research, extractives sectors through to exploration geologists operating in desert, jungle, mountainous and arctic environments, these organisations has a number of factors in common, from planning to delivery, incident response, safety standards, through to some services arranged whilst deployed - often including accommodation, transport, drivers and more. The 2021 C:ORE Risk Conference focuses on a number of these areas of risk. At the conference, there will be an opportunity for all of those delegates attending the conference, who have a focus on exploration, to network in a facilitated session and join a supportive network to assist each other going forwards, with those focus groups feeding back in to the 2022 C:ORE Risk Conference to present on issues that have arisen during the previous year and safety themes, as well as an opportunity to submit proposals for 2022 C:ORE Risk Conference speakers and subjects that you would like to see covered.
The C:ORE Risk Conference is highly relevant to those involved in exploration, whether being deployed as an employee, to those responsible for planning and/or operational delivery and safety of the project.
The C:ORE Risk team and speakers have years of experience training and supporting organisations undertaking these activities, including involvement in writing relevant safety standards dealing, delivering recognised training courses, with the aftermath of incidents, both in the field, to supporting organisations through the inquests and court cases that ensued.
The C:ORE Risk Conference aims* to assist you in:
Understanding your Duty of Care
Sharing experiences from within your organisation in a safe environment with "Chatham House" rules in force.
Understanding what safety standards exist and what they cover
Introducing you to the concept of Travel Risk Management and how to develop in house Travel Risk Management policies
Protecting your organisation and yourself, legal, insurance and incident response issues
Understanding Mental Health issues relating to fieldwork including overseas deployment
Accommodation safety
Vehicle safety
Water Safety
Post incident psychological trauma issues and support
Coroner's inquests - what to expect
Court hearings - what to expect
Networking with peer and experts from the same and other sectors.
* Sessions and subjects are subject to change, if necessary.