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The conference will be run free of charge in 2021 - our sectors have been hit hard and we want to give something back to assist in the reopening of school trips, fieldwork and expeditionary travel. 


Bookings now open - by way of a zoom conference sign up link - which you will all be familiar with from lockdown ! limited places available so please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.


Click on this link to book by zoom!


We had hoped to also offer a 2 day, Off Site Safety Management Course - delivered by Remote Area Risk International in the two days before the C:ORE Risk Conference. Unfortunately, due to a serious illness in the family of the lecturer, we have been unable to do this. However, Remote Area Risk International, have, instead, opened up their 2021 face to face courses to NEW bookings from C:ORE Risk 2019 delegates at a significantly reduced price - and will be putting on a zoom based OSSM course between now and Christmas - which will be at reduced cost for C:ORE Risk 2019 alumni. The full cost for this course is £190. If you have previously attended the 2019 C:ORE Risk Conference as a delegate, the OSSM course is available to you for £95.00. There will be limited places available. When booking, mention that you were a 2019 C:ORE Risk delegate and  a reduced cost invoice will be sent to you. Names will be checked against the 2019 attendee list.

Please keep an eye on the Remote Area Risk International website for the face to face and zoom dates.


As per our terms and conditions, should we cancel the event, we will not be responsible for any consequential losses, including (but not limited to) loss of earnings, loss of profit, travel costs,  or any other costs.

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Remote Risk International Limited is a Company registered in England and Wales with Company number 10468816

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